
You can register for the 15th Hirschegg Workshop via e-mail: Please include your institution and whether you bring someone.


The registration fee (400 €) includes accomodation, meals except one dinner and the group shuttle service.
Please transfer the total fee to the following bank account:

Account Holder: Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
IBAN: DE64 8100 0000 0081 0015 02
Banking Institution: Deutsche Bundesbank, Filiale Magdeburg
Reference: 8033021004 133302202, Surname, Given Name
Amount: 400 €


If you want to give a presentation, then please send us the title of your talk until July 31st, 2021. Usually the length of a talk is thirty minutes but can vary until we fix the schedule.


If you want to have some special food (e.g. vegetarian) please send us your wishes along your registration mail. If you plan not to stay for the whole time please let us know as soon as possible.

Letzte Änderung: 05.11.2021 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster